A Fantastic First Year: Developmental Milestones for Children Under One - LeafSpring School

July 17, 2024

A Fantastic First Year: Developmental Milestones for Children Under One

Ready for a year of nonstop fun and firsts?

Understanding and anticipating key moments allows you to celebrate your child’s progress and provide the right support at each stage. Their brain is developing rapidly, and it’s essential to take advantage of any resources available. At LeafSpring Schools, our Nursery School is designed to nurture and encourage these developmental milestones in a loving, stimulating environment. 


Let’s explore five essential milestones that mark your baby’s fantastic first year, and discover how LeafSpring Schools’ specialized infant care can support your child’s journey.

  1. Social Smiling 6-8 weeks  By around two months, babies typically begin to smile in response to familiar voices and faces. This “social smile” marks the beginning of their social development, along with starting to understand their likes [1]. At LeafSpring Schools, our small primary care groups foster strong bonds between infants and caregivers, encouraging these early social interactions.

  2. Expressing Hunger 4 months  Most babies will open their mouths when they see a bottle or breast. This milestone demonstrates the beginnings of their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills [2]. This development could also be a great time to start laying the groundwork for their feeding routine. LeafSpring Schools’ age-appropriate learning approach includes activities that support these emerging cognitive skills tailored to each child’s development.

  3. Rolling Over 6 months  Around six months, babies usually develop the strength and balance to roll over. They may also push up from the ground during tummy time, opening up new perspectives on their world [3]. Providing a space for your child to explore physical actions will help keep the momentum going. Try setting some toys out for your child to reach for or kick at during this time. Our specially designed infant playgrounds at LeafSpring Schools provide safe spaces for babies to practice these essential gross motor skills.

  4. Babbling 9 months  Babies typically produce repetitive consonant-vowel combinations like “ma-ma” or “da-da” around this time. This simple communication style lays the foundation for their language development [4]. Try responding to your child using their name, as well. Babies will typically start to recognize their names around this time. LeafSpring Schools’ use of sign language in infant care helps babies communicate even earlier by supporting pre-language development.

  5. First Steps 12 months  While the timing can vary widely, many babies take their first independent steps between 9 and 12 months. They may also use furniture to hold themselves up as they gain confidence in their mobility [5]. LeafSpring Schools’ evolving classrooms and learning centers grow with your child, providing safe environments for practicing these new mobility skills.

It’s important to note that every child develops at their own pace. These milestones are just guidelines and slight variations are normal and to be expected. Always consult your pediatrician if you have concerns about your child’s development. Remember, you know your child better than anyone.

Fostering your newborn’s development doesn’t have to stop at home. Our nationally accredited programs spark discovery from day one. Ready to start your child’s journey? Contact a LeafSpring School near you today to learn about enrolling your little one in our expert infant care program.